Speaking the Truth: Addressing communication challenges between scientists, regional collaborators, and policymakers in conservation science.



This Interactive Session will focus on the importance of addressing regional conservation challenges through public education programs and advocacy to inform policymakers of the need for scientific based solutions to anthropogenic biological threats.

Interactive Session

Part of the Concurrent sessions July 25 - 27

13:30:00 PM to 15:30:00 PM

Nicolette Roach, Director of Communications LACA, Associate Conservation Scientist Global Wildlife Conservation, and Texas A&M University, College Station, TX

Thomas E. Lacher, Jr., IUCN Red List Committee, Associate Conservation Scientist Global Wildlife Conservation, and Texas A&M University, College Station, TX

Nicole Angeli, Co-chair Caribbean Partners for Amphibian and Reptile Conservation, Smithsonian Institution Research Associate, and Postdoctoral Fellow, Alabama Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, University, Auburn, AL

Max Capacity: 50

Minimum Required: 15



We anticipate cross-cultural insights to emerge that can help to strengthen the ability of LACA members to enhance communication to help to bridge the science-policy gap.

The proposed interactive session shall have three objectives:

1) Present a number of short talks that address these issues and frame critical challenges, and then form breakout sessions where attendees can wrestle with the issues in their own countries.

2) Produce reports in breakout groups submitted to session organizers and relate these reports back to the full session to generate a synthesis of challenges and potential solutions.

3) Identify the various roles and avenues for advocacy in the scientific community.