LACCCB 2018 Presentation Specifications


Oral Presentations:

Contributed talks will be grouped into session of up to 7 talks. Talks are scheduled for 12-minute time slots. Presentation should be no more than 10 minutes to allow two minutes for questions from the audience and changeover. The time limit will be strictly enforced to facilitate movement between sessions. Personal laptops cannot be used in the session rooms.


Speed Presentations:

Speed sessions are composed of a group of 5-minute presentations summarizing research or studies in process in a particular field. They provide the audience with rapid and intensive overview of research and also allows for discussion among presenters and the audience. There will be an interactive questions and discussion following presentations. Personal laptops cannot be used in the session rooms.


Specifications for PowerPoint Presentations:

The screens in the presentation rooms at the Teaching and Learning Complex at UWI St Augustine are of high resolution. Presentations in PPT format (PowerPoint) are recommended, and should be formatted to fill the screen where possible. Screen information according to room is as follows:

LT A1/A2 – 16’ x 10’ – Resolution: 1280 x 800

LT B/C – 7’ x 4 ½’ – Resolution: 1280 x 800

LTD – 14’ x 10’ – Resolution: 1900 x 1200

LTE – 23’ x 14’ – Resolution: 1920 x 1080

TRs – 6’ x 4’ – Resolution: 1280 x 800


Presentations Using Prezi:

Presentations using Prezi are supported but must comply with the same formats noted above under PPT presentations. It is recommended that Prezi presentations are saved on a usb drive and not in the Cloud.


Presentations Using Keynote / Macs:

The  congress is equipped for presentations made on PCs using PPT or Prezi. LACCCB will not be using mac software on site, and as a result we will not be able to support Keynote presentations on-site. We encourage presenters using Keynote software to convert their presentation to PPT format before the congress to limit the risk of technical issues and wasted time at the beginning of your presentation. If the presenter unable to convert their keynote presentation to PPT format, the presenter should bring their Mac we will provide assistance in converting the file. If you require this assistance, please ask for it as early as possible.


Video and Pictures in Presentations:

For presentations with videos or photos, presenters should use the video and photo integration format built into PowerPoint or Prezi in order to create a seamless presentation with minimal delays. Please keep a copy of all photos and videos used in your presentation in a folder with the presentation to reduce the risk that the presentation is unable to fetch the photo or video data. For videos, we encourage formats such as .MP4, .MOV, .AVI, and .WMA with 720p or 1080p resolution. For pictures, please save them in .jpg or .png format.


Poster Presentations:

Advice on designing conservation science posters is available at Each presenter will be provided with a surface to mount their poster. Each poster is limited to a rectangle 0.6 m (~2ft) wide by 1.2 m (~4ft) tall (portrait orientation). Poster materials must be legible from a distance of 2 meters. Lettering in text and figures should be at least 5 mm, and headings should be at least 10 mm. The title of the paper, the authors and their affiliations should appear near the top of the poster in letters approximately 25 mm high. Posters will be displayed during the poster session and icebreaker evening. Presenting authors are requested to attend the poster session to take advantage of opportunities to discuss their work with Congress participants. Please note that your poster should be printed in portrait orientation in order to fit appropriately on the poster board.

Posters are exhibited for informal browsing. They are a visual and concise way to showcase conservation science and projects and they provide opportunities to interact with your audience. Since a poster format is best when your material can easily be communicated visually, text should be limited to brief statements. Each presentation should make a unified, coherent statement. Materials, both textual and visual, should be of professional quality and be clearly legible from a distance. Good tips for your poster design can be found here. Your poster must be designed portrait style at a max size of 47.2in x 23.6in in order to fit on the poster board. Posters will be assigned a number that will correspond to the appropriate board.

The preferred method of creating a poster is using design or presentation software such as Microsoft PowerPoint or Adobe Pagemaker. These programs allow you to lay out the entire poster, including text and graphics, in a single file. It can then be printed using a large, color printer. Please note that all posters must be printed and paid for by the presenter; the organizers of LACCCB 2018 will not print posters for you. In emergency situations, kindly notify a LACCCB representative at registration.

There will be a dedicated poster session Thursday 26th July 2018 between 17:00 - 18:30 at the Teaching and Learning Complex at UWI St. Augustine. Presenting authors are advised to remain with their poster during the session.